Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Full moon

Last night the Stars fell, hard, on the Monarchs. So...now we are saying "Wait 'till next year." It's been a while since we were knocked out in the first round of the playoffs. Paulette and I went to a bar with big TVs. Some of our seat neighbors were there so we cheered and ate. The food was good at The Hanger. Our women came from 20 points down to a point for point ending that a San Antonio player broke with a 3 point basket. Maybe it was the full moon that favored the Stars.

The full moon was beautiful and when I got home I sat on my balcony, sipped tea and watched the moon to console myself. I did not get up at 3AM for the eclipse. I saw it on the news this morning.


Shirley said...

I saw that moon last night -- was too tired from painting Cassie's cupboards to sit and look at it much. Sorry about the Monarchs. Like they say -- next year --

Janell said...

I saw the eclipse, but was able to sleep in until 5.