I had to do something with a quilt Grandma Anderson made for me when I got married. I had used it a lot and it was worn. SO...I cut some of the blocks out and framed them. The top shoe, Mother once told me it was mine. I suppose the other one was Aunt Julia's and maybe Mother's.
These two projects are part of my attempt to have everything in my home have a place instead of stuck in a box for sorting. Paraphrasing Shirley: All this stuff takes up time and energy as well as space.
I'm glad I don't have enough to rent a space at the Brass armadillo.

Here's a piece of Grandma Anderson's wedding china. I used a piece of a quilt she had made me and put it in a barnboard shadowbox frame. Paulette and a couple of friends said it looks good. I'll take a photo of the place where it is hanging later. Both pieces are in the kitchen and the counter is messy.