ARCO for gas (higher than Sacramento) and on to I5 North to Seattle. We listen to Les Miserables from start to finish and leave I5 at Eugene, Oregon. To the University where we find the Duck Store and add significantly to the economy of Oregon.
Paulette drives and I ride, read, look out the window as the ever-changing landscape. Sometimes I read the road signs out loud.
Hours later we park in Chris and Mike's driveway. No body home. Paulette gets on the phone and learns; Mike is in Santa Barbara and Chris is teaching a dance class. He directs us to where Chris is teaching. We find her, Paulette joins the lesson. I read my book. Chris has two more classes to teach so we return to her house by way of Safeway where we buy two Chinese entrees for a late dinner.
I went to bed at 11;30PM. I don't know how long Paulette and Chris stayed up.
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