Tuesday, March 30, 2010

City wildlife

I was making coffee and looked out the window. This bird was looking back at me. By the time I got my camera I had to go outside and chase it down. This is the best I could do.


Shirley said...

It looks like a young wild turkey to Bob. How far did you chase it?

Davey1dr said...

Mom, now that you are 100% retired are you having to hunt for food?
If you shoot it with gun it will be easier to cook.

Shirley said...

In Omaha one can shoot a BB gun in thier yard as long as the BB doesn't leave the yard.

Shirley said...
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Shirley said...

Shirley did not write the above comment -- Bob did. However, a word of advice Myrna -- if you shoot the turkey --open the sliding glass door before you pull the triger.

Janell said...

When I see wild turkeys around here, it's never one at a time - they are always in a flock. This one must've been lost!