Monday, April 23, 2007


I've seen two movies this month that I really liked. I did not mind paying six dollars to see either of them.

The Namesake How names are given, how they affect a life. It also shows another culture within ours. I really like that kind of movie.
The Painted Veil A lovely story in a different time and place.


LaDawn said...

Haven't heard of either film. Man, I must be living in a podunk place!

Sue said...

The last movie I went to was Wild
Hogs. Good for a laugh.

cdroses said...

Wild Hogs was the last movie we went to, too. That was just so funny!

LaDawn said...

I've heard of Wild Hogs and it is on my list to see on DVD. It wasn't released in the cinemas here. Hope they release it on DVD. I wonder how they decide what gets released here and what doesn't?

Janell said...

I hadn't heard of Myrna's two movies, either, but Jack really got a kick out of Wild Hogs.

Myrnagj said...

Wild Hogs was good for a laugh but I wish I had "Netflixed" it.