Thursday, April 19, 2007


The spring winds have been blowing and today feels more like fall than spring. I have kept up with my walking exercise even in the wind. Yes I'm bragging and it hasn't been easy. Yesterday and today the clouds were so white and fluffy and I thought of how Mother used to talk about the clouds being whiter and fluffier in Colorado. The good news is the air is being swept of some of the smog andwhatever else our autos put in it in this valley.

The weekend. After work tomorrow I'm off to Reno to a Dance Sensation. 48 hours of dancing, dance workshops and dance shows. West coast swing, lindy, charleston, blues dancing, salsa and hip hop. Snow is forecast for the mountains so I might get to use my chains this year after all. I have to go finish packing. Can't forget my Aleve.


Sue said...

Do you have someone to walk with
since Jeanette is still in Davis?

Myrnagj said...

Jeannette and I walk on Monday afteroon and, I go to Davis one SAturday a month. We go to Weight Watchers, walk to Peets for coffee and...Then walk back to her place. I try to do Davis errands after that.

LaDawn said...

The dancing sounds like laods of fun. I wish my husband would/could dance. But he complains he would rather drive nails into his eyeballs. And if you've ever seen him dance you might agree you would rather do the driving.