Friday, June 29, 2007

June 29

June is over after tomorrow, Solstice has passed and the days are getting shorter already. And SUMMER will really hit Sacramento this weekend 106 predicted for the weekend.

Fortunately I have lots of inside things to do and central air; if I choose to use it. I checked to see if it works--it does. So far my apartment has stayed very cool by closing the blinds about noon. You know, that old fashioned, before air conditioning way of keeping cool.

I sorted another box of photographs. This project is in it's sixth year and I only have one more box of old photos to put into album pages. Maybe by August 15.

My other pending project is David's T-shirt quilt. I sewed some of the pieces together this week. I have my sewing machine set up until I go back to work. I can eat on my balcony since I bought a little table and chairs set.


Sue said...

My t-shit quilt has been put on hold until winter. I would rather be outside doing stuff. Kind of tired of mowing the lawn, but it gets me outside and I am forced to get some exercise.

Shirley said...

I might get back to my t-shirt projects as it is going to be getting hot now. The last couple of days were great -- I pulled weeds and walked around the garden after work last night. And the AM walks were not near as hot as when you were here. STill -- air conditioning has to be one of my favorites of summer.

cappy said...

Now you've gotten my curiousity. I quilt, but have never heard of a t-shirt quilt. What are they?

LaDawn said...

Wish the weather here was the has rained solid for most of June. I am glad to see the end of it. although quite frankly the 1 July isn't looking any better!

Myrnagj said...

A t-shirt quilt is made by using all of the T-shirts collected from wherever you collect T-shirts. There are more complicated ways than I use but I cut the fronts out, back them with very light pellon and sew them together. The one I finished is backed by a piece of fabric someone gave me and the bat is synthetic of the lightest weight.