Tuesday, July 3, 2007

July 4th

It's going to be hot here in Sacramento--triple digits. And for several days after that.

I have several bags of stuff to donate. I have been sorting and downsizing my collections. I need to take some books to the used book store and see if I can get some money for them. I used to get credit to buy more books but that doesn't free up time and space in my life... So I am trying to read the books I have and not buy any new or used ones this year. If I really want to read something I don't have I will go to the library.

I have been saving things and accumulating things that attracted my attention over the years. I now find these things are taking too much of my space, time and energy. It was easy to accumulate and is so difficult to let go of, throw away, give away, or take to the consignment shops. Any suggestions???


Sue said...

I seem to be still accumulating. I think the most useless stuff is what I get as door prizes at golf tournaments. If any of the books are good reading you can bring them to me. I get my reading at the library.

Janell said...

Here's a thought: Somebody, somewhere is looking for that stuff you have accumulated and maybe you've enjoyed it's presence in your life long enough. It's up to you to keep it in circulation. If you give it away, consign or sell it, it can take up somebody else's space, time and energy.

Shirley said...

You know I have the same dilemma, so when you get the solution, let me know. I do think it's time to lighten up my stuff, too. And I don't think I can continue to sit at this computer everynight either. But it is a lot more interesting than TV.

Shirley said...

Hey- that's pretty neat about the list being all checked off.

LaDawn said...

I've got to buy a bigger house. I can't stop accumulating!

Janell said...

Just wondering why you changed your name to Brewsters?
Also, I liked the pictures you posted on the Odyssey website.