Friday, October 26, 2007

week in review

Friday afternoon and I thought of taking a nap but there is too much to do. So...I guess I'll sit here at the computer for a while.

Wednesday a dance friend planned a surprise dinner for Paulette. She was surprised when we started arriving at the restaurant. She thought she was having dinner with one person. We had a very good time and as you might expect the conversation was mostly about dancing. I took two pictures of her and her eyes were closed on both of them. At least she had clothes on; at her third birthday party she wore only her underpants.

I bought tires on line. That was Tuesday and they are at the COSTCO warehouse ready to be put on. Must call for an appointment. That was easy and I got a good discount.

Smoke from Southern California is drifting up here and making the air kind of icky; but we do not have fires.

Not a very exciting week. Must make some phone calls before everyone leaves their offices for the weekend.

1 comment:

Janell said...

Glad to hear the fires aren't causing you anything more than irritation. Also glad to hear PJ didn't wear just her underpants to her most recent birthday party.