These pictures are for the baseball fans among us.

Last Saturday I spend a little over three hours on a 10K Volkswalk through five cemeteries. We went to Colma, CA, just south of San Francisco where the dead of SF have been burried since the late 1800s, There are fabulous statues, mausoleums, stones of all sizes and shapes and monuments large and small. I would guess every nationality and ethnic group is represented, some in their own cemeteries. A lot to see. For more history google, Colma, CA and got to the city site for the history. I will have to go back because I didn't get to see the Wyatt Earp grave. (Because it was the Sabbath) He is in the Jewish cemetery because his wife was Jewish.
Today, 11/22/08, I drove through the early morning, rather heavy fog to Davis to walk the 5K Turkey Trot. I walked with some of my friends. I had to work hard to keep up with and pass my 83 year-old friend who claims not to be competitive. Jan and I crossed the finish before she did because she was distracted by talking to someone. Coffee, scones, muffins, coffee and conversation followed. This year's t-shirt is ugly.
Cemeteries can be very interesting.
One of the highlights of our Washington trip was Arlington.
Love the grave stones!
There is a cemetery above Central City, Colorado. I used to love to walk amongst the stones and read the names and dates and imagine their lives. So many so young.
Cemetery strolling is one of my favorite things to do. Unfortunately, Memorial Day is the only day each year I get to do much of it. Thanks for sharing these stones.
My favorite one is the Baptist Cemetery just south of Uehling.
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