Tuesday, March 20, 2007


The news said rain and sure enough it is raining. I got home about ten minutes after the downpour started--it's an hour later and has lessened a little but still raining very steady.

There are still some addresses to change from the move. I had a po box for so many years that I never had to change addresses when I moved. Since I moved to another city i will be giving up the PO Box. I manage to get one of the leftover addresses changed every two or three days. The good news; the list is getting shorter.

Accomplishments today: my taxes are e-filed, I have my pictures to renew my passport, I sent in the renewal for my teaching credential. These were on another list.

Creative projects: David's T-shirt project is about four yards of pellon short of being on to step three. I have a deadline of April first for the next sharing of a fiction story I'm writing. It's writer's group and I share. So, why am I sitting here writing?


Janell said...

You're sitting here writing because it's good practice!

cdroses said...

Um aren't you in the "rainy" season? Why are you surprised it's raining? :D
***being a brat***

Did you move to Sac? I see you were on the Causeway (in the Gatewood blog)

Looking forward to seeing you guys in a couple of months!