Monday, April 2, 2007

Spring Break

Monday, the first day of spring break for me. No alarm clock and I still woke at 6am. Since it was a holiday for me, my 20+ years walking partner, Jeannette, came to my home for a morning walk. We started 5:30AM walking, five days a week back in 1985 or so and kept it up until last December when I moved to Natomas. Now I stop in Davis on my way home from work on Monday and we walk. Then one Saturday a month we weigh in at Weight Watchers and go for a walk. I sometimes find it hard to believe we kept up the 5:30am walk for so long. I know more about Jeannette than I do my sisters.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
San Francisco Open dance competition: Many hours of watching other people dance an d a little dancing myself. I wish they had more general dancing. I did get to dance a Viennese Waltz. I just learned the basic step in March and Paulette said I looked good. I was not in a competition. The Spirit In Motion team took second for their Bond piece. they really looked good.

The smooth dances are a swirling oof many colored gowns winding around the black suits, and tuxes of their leaders. Sometimes they looked like spring flowers floating around the floor. Other gowns were silver, white and sparkley. The rhythm dancers wear many colors and they are usually brighter, shorter, and very to be exact. I like the ones with long fringe that, to me, does a dance of its own around the body of the woman.

On the way home I drove into Berkeley on the off chance I could find a parking place somewhere near a store I wanted to go to...well that didn't happen. I did find a place to park near a place called Fatapples and had a great portobella mushroom sandwich for and early dinner.

I walked along the Bay Park Trail that skirts the bay across from the International airport. I see planes taking off and landing at the rate of about one a minute form this angle. It appears there wil be a carsh as incoming fly wing to wing to the two runways. AND the outgoing are sitting on yet another runwya that the other two are approaching. All of this drama about a mile across the water from where I am walking. Next to me in the rushes the shore birds are pecking their lunch. They are oblivious to the huge metal birds making loud noise a mile away.


Janell said...

I wish i could have gone to dancing with you. I guess this is a good time to confess I am addicted to Dancing With the Stars. We even use three cell phones (if they're all home) and our landline to call in votes. My favorites this year (so far) are Apolo Ono and Heather Mills.
I enjoyed reading about your weekend.

LaDawn said...

I am working my way through the posts and I can't believe how active you are. Good heavens, I need to sit down. I am out of breath!

LaDawn said...

OK, have read them all.....phew! What an amazing life you have and thanks so much for sharing it with cyber space. I love reading about what every does. It inspires me and reminds me of how rich the fabric of our lives truly is. I wish we took more time to listen/read about others. It could only lead to more understanding and more peace on earth and joy in people's lives. Keep up the great work!

PS You are proof that life starts after retirement. If this is what you call retirement??!?!?!???!