Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday, 11/12/07

My computer is home again. The 'little' tune-up turned into a hard drive crash and now I have a new operating system and I-Life 08. And I am starting from scratch with a lot of things that didn't get recovered. I also have an external hard drive for back up on a regular basis. They saved my address book and I had backed up my photos before I took it in and everything else is either on line or I think I have a hard copy. I got rid of some junk. I do have to redo most of my bookmarks.

Shirley: Happy Birthday again.

We had a great celebration for Shae and Sterling. They came to California. We had lunch at Olive Garden because Shae got to choose. We went to the Make-a-Bear store and had a blast making a purple hippo, a pink cat and Cody from Surf's UP. Then we went to Paulette's house.

On the way to Paulette's house Shae asked if I would sleep with her. I told her I was going to my house to sleep. After we had been lounging around for a while (as much as you can with three little kids and four adults) Shae announced "I'm going home with Grandma to sleep." I said it was fine if it was ok with mom and dad. She turned to her parents and almost dared them to disagree with her pronouncement.


Shirley said...

Feel special. Alex once told me that Grandpa was lucky because he gets to sleep with me.

Janell said...

How sweet! I remember Aunt Grace saying that she shared a room and bed with Great Grandma Almina and that Grandma "snored a little." It's funny what we remember.