Sunday, March 25, 2007

Stebbins Cold Canyon

First hike since October. It was harder than I would have chosen for renewing my hiking but it was great. Yes I can say that now that I am home, showered and drinking tea.

We started with a breakfast at the Putah Creek Cafe in Winters. Must have big breakfast to hike. This was a new hike for me my friend Jeannette had been on the hike a few weeks ago. It's five miles she said. Goes up the mountain to the ridgeline and along the ridge and back down. Sinsce it's not the Rocky Mountains but the Coastal Range that didn't sound hard.

Weather perfect at the trailhead we didn't need more than a sweatshirt and shed it after about an hour. Nice walking along the trail wildflowers, butterflies and birdsongs. Then we came to the steps (4x4s pushed into the earth) that have been installed to assist goiing up. Nice. The steps went on and on and on and on. Then we followed the trail to the top. Well it wasn't really the top see that little peak over there. Great adn it's still early and off we went. It turns out that there is yet another peak along the ridgline and now we have to cllimb over rocks and boulders. What am I doing here? the other option is turning back and taking all those steps back.
More rocks and boulders and it is becoming a fun challenge. Then there is another peak to climb before descending on a smooth, switchback trail. We eat lunch overlooking Lake Berryessa. Vultures with brown wings and red heads are playing on the wind currents while we sit on boulders eating. We joke about not sitting too still.

We have one and a half miles to go and it is all downhill. Oh yeah downhill and some steep place. My legs will be sore tomorrow.

Worth it? Oh Yes! Standing on each of those little peaks looking out over the lake or the valley is great.

1 comment:

Janell said...

You gave us a wonderfully vivd description of your hike. and i liked the "pearls on a mirror" too. it's a perfect word picture.
by the way, what is zumba?