Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial day

On this Memorial day as we memorialize our fallen soldiers and thank them for the freedoms for which they sacrificed their lives; my thoughts, also turn to Saleem Amer.

Saleem Amer is a National Public Radio reporter living in Baghdad with his wife, five-month-old son, his father and two brothers.
I have heard his report of how he had to search for the safest not the fastest, route to the hospital for the safe birth we take for granted.

On Friday he talked of the nights of explosions and gunfire that sends his family to an inner room of the house his father built and doesn't want to leave to the fighting factions to use as headquarters.

I begin to cry as he talks about his wife holding their frightened, crying son. He thinks the explosions and gunfire have damaged his son but doesn't take him to a doctor. I can feel his shrug over the airwaves and my heart breaks for this family wen he days, "I don't think I want to know."

I drove safely to school as I listened.


LaDawn said...

I am grateful my family is safe. I wish no one had to die to ensure they stay safe.

Shirley said...

I wish there was a resolution to this -- but I am not optomistic --how can this mess be so unfixable? Why isn't there a common ground to get back to, to begin the process of moving to peace. Where are the leaders to get us there?