Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Day two. Today I had to go to work so....we got an early start. I'm so glad Skyler is used to getting things together to go every morning. (Thank You Robin)
We stopped at the recycling center in Davis to off-load a trunk load of cardboard. Then filled, well almost filled the car with gas. Maybe it will last the rest of the week.

At school Skyler waited patiently while I turned off the alarms for two classrooms and showed him where he would spend the morning with Maria. He followed me around as I prepared for the morning. He met Maria and went with her willingly. Maria told me later he wanted to come back to me because everyone was talking in a foreign language. He stayed when she let him watch Dora the Explorer. He was very happy to have had a little Spanish lesson before I picked him up.

He got a twenty minute nap on the way home and after mac and cheese for lunch he was ready for a bike ride. We had a rocky start here because his helmet didn't feel right and it seemed to be my fault. He took a fifteen minute rest and we took both bikes out and rode to Border's Books for milk, latte, and a shared rice krispie square.

to be continued...

Note to Bob Nebel...The blue heron lives in my neighborhood. We saw it flying over the little pond on our bike ride. I'll have pictures in June.

1 comment:

LaDawn said...

Grandchildren must be so fun! I hope I live long enough to meet mine! Do I dare wish my children to have children of their own really young?